
Showing posts from April, 2022

AUFIN is the first cryptocurrency to have staking and compounding built into its own blockchain.

PREVIEW OF AUFIN AUFIN is a new cryptocurrency with underlying DAG technology (directed acyclic graph) that combats scalability and security issues of existing blockchain solutions. It also offers a new way of compounding rewards, which allows AUFIN to grow in value given its low market cap and trading volume. Aufin offers an annual interest rate of up to 9000%, compounding daily. This new crypto enables passive income and has the potential to grow exponentially. Technically, the AUFIN platform is based on its own blockchain, having the same mining algorithm as Bitcoin but a different genesis block. AUFIN is a blockchain protocol that is still in its infancy. It is the first cryptocurrency to have staking and compounding built into its own blockchain. The Proof-Of-Stake consensus method protects the network against 51 percent attacks. AUFIN is a fully automated crypto portfolio management solution that allows you to store, maintain, and build your wealth with only a few simple clicks.

Jungle Kingdom is a nft metaverse-powered game reward ecosystem.

ABSTRACT Cryptocurrency investment is a crazy world of people hunting for the next great thing that will make them wealthy quickly. I'm looking at something completely different right now: the Internet of Value and how it relates to the Rainforest Kingdom. Crypto is the first blockchain system for auto gaming. It's completely unique and unlike anything I've ever seen before. This blog will focus on something a little different, but no less vital. The technology that underpins Bitcoin, known as blockchain, is taking the world by storm. Imagine a future where everything you do is digitally recorded in a secure, safe, and non-hackable manner. Doesn't it sound futuristic? But that is the direction we are heading. Although the technology is still in its early stages, it has the potential to revolutionise the entire planet. INTRODUCTION The Kingdom of the Jungle Crypto is a blockchain-based decentralised game in which participants may earn, gather, and trade virtual pets. Cry

Jungle Kingdom....a decentralized gaming ecosystem for game developers, players, and communities.

ABSTRACT The "Jungle box" is the eighth in a series of a dozen new style public artworks that have been introduced to the district in a collaboration between Shanghai Municipality and the Nanjing Road Pedestrian Mall Administration as a tribute to the iconic Shanghai landmark of the unique structure that is the Nanjing Road Pedestrian Shopping Street. 'Jungle box,' a collection of humorous, ambitious future-oriented pieces designed by famous artist He Jingtong, engages visitors with a variety of art, digital, and interaction games. It's a decentralized gaming ecosystem for game developers, players, and communities. The project's major goal is to construct a system that will serve as an efficient tool for the game business, connecting both gamers and creators in a single ecosystem where they may benefit from one another. JUNGLE KINGDOM FEATURES Jungle Kingdom is a blockchain-based gaming ecosystem that aims to give a complete gaming experience to its users. Our